Hey, what's up everyone? Welcome to
my personal website and portfolio. Here you will find my artwork in
the form of web/print graphics as well as websites. This is the 12th
revision of Derp in a span of 3 years. Really, I should say a span
of two years because I've done virtually nothing to the site for the
past year. However, things have changed -- I'm Back. Am I back for
good? Maybe....Maybe not, but we'll see. The reason why I say this
is because I sometimes go through long streaks of not using the computer at
all. It's crazy. A couple of years ago, you would have to beat me over
the head with a hammer repeatedly just to get my eyes away from the
monitor. As Notorious BIG would say (if he was alive), "Things Done
Changed." I hope I can keep the site going for the time being. If
not, then everything is down the tubes once again. Thanks for visiting in
the meantime. While you're here, feel free to browse the rest of the
site. February
29, '04 - Good Stuff. It's the first day of the new layout. It's
been awhile since I've updated. Actually, I was never going to
update. However, one night I just kept listening to the new Incubus
album ("A Crow Left of the Murder") over and over again. I
didn't like the new album at first, but it really grew on me. The
songs just kept playing in the background as I was using Adobe
Photoshop. Then I spontaneously decided, "Hey, time for a new